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A Warm and Gentle Welcome

Hi! I thought I'd talk a little about myself and what you can expect to find in our lil' section of Spark.

I'm Daisy, a Dorset born actress and model. I've had a tumultuous life, bouncing around the area- ending up as far as Shaftesbury; the gorgeous location of 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 Hovis Ad. 

I've had experiences that almost every woman I- and most likely, you- know has had, battling PTSD and depression as a result. 

Just over two years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a long-term condition that causes widespread pain. I like to call it 'living hell'. Fibro is a condition closely linked with ones mental health; physical and emotional pain are often bedfellows. 

In this spot I will be exploring how I live with the condition, specifically as a young person, hopefully curating a safe space for everyone. 

My goal is to remind anyone like me that they're not alone- something that's incredibly easy to forget. Chronic illness has a way of confining us to ourselves, imprisoning us in our homes. I'd like this blog to be a little bit of respite for anybody who may need it. I know I do. 

Thank You for joining me in this journey, I look forward to what the future may hold for us!

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